Cultivate Joy!


The pursuit of happiness is a worthy cause, yet feelings of happiness usually come from external sources, therefore are conditional and out of our control.

Joy is aspirational!  It doesn’t come your way solely by happenstance.  Joy comes from within – it’s more like an attitude, an inner contentedness and worthiness.  By feeling connected to self and others – joy will be your constant companion, regardless of circumstances.

What kindles the joy within is unique to each one of us.  It could be the warm and fuzzy of being surrounded by family or great friends.  Or joy may be nurtured by finding a purpose; fulfilling a life’s goal.

Do more of whatever ignites your spirit!  The reward of living a gratifying life fuels your joy.

The path to joy is ultimately a return to wholeness – a rediscovery of who you are and what brings you delight!  It necessitates getting to know, and move beyond, your fears and insecurities, paving the way toward more light heartedness and laughter.  Over time, life unfolds with more ease, and challenges are met with vibrant energy and creative solutions.

Navigating Joy

It’s natural to doubt that such a joyous state of being could ever be.  Rest assured you can put practices in place to help.  Know that the human brain is very pragmatic.  It has a tendency to focus on the negative of the information you take in.  It’s a primitive protective mechanism known as negativity bias.  You definitely will need to be intentional in creating and focusing on positive experiences in order to diffuse that negativity - joy is your moment-to-moment choice!

The practice of cultivating joy is just that: a practice.  A little each day goes a long way.  With time you will become adept at discovering your inner being’s voice as positive, joyful reinforcement. 

I would like to share 5 ways to start learning how to move beyond your beliefs laced with limitations and fears to begin to ensure that your life is more joyful!


 Be Grateful

Our brains are masterful thinkers – but, consider that almost all of your thoughts are the same thoughts you had for days previously.   We need to disrupt our patterns of thought – gratitude will redirect your energy flow to a positive magnet of attraction.

Your thoughts are powerful, and when consciously directed more positively, a new thought pattern is created.  Gratitude shifts our perspective, improves mood and creates more space for joy to shine through.

Write down three things you are grateful for every day.  Ensure it is different every day.  This practice encourages you to actively look for the positive in people and situations, thereby stimulating new thought patterns.


Be Your Authentic Self

You blossom from a place of honouring and living your truth.

It takes courage to be the person you were meant to be, especially when we are more concerned about how others judge us than what we honour in ourselves.  However, on the other side of rough challenges you will feel less burdened, and enjoy life with less struggle.

This bravery requires learning to trust your instincts and having faith that you are headed down your intended path.

When you find yourself getting stuck and confused – learn to meditate.  Meditation helps you tap into stillness within where your truth (and joy) reside.  Personally, I benefit from the Calm App – both guided and timed meditations. 

Joy thrives when you are living your truth.


Practice Self-Love

Let go of the comparison and judgment of yourself and others.  We all tend to be our own worse critics.

Remember – whatever we are seeking we already have within ourselves.  The task is to keep our focus on our own self-worth and potential.  Resist comparison to others, particularly the filtered façade of social media.  Recall the adage: “Don’t compare your Inside to Someone else’s Outside”

Joy is found through self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-worth.  Such aspirations are easier said than done.  An effective method for developing self-compassion is through the practice of loving – kindness meditation.


Be of Service

It always feels great to help out someone in need or support a cause that has meaning for you.  When performing an act of altruism, you get out of your head and into your heart.  Acts of service remind you that life is bigger than yourself and that there is more going on than your daily dose of reality.

You have something to offer – a gift brought into this world to share with others.  It could be your ability to listen, give a heartfelt hug, advocate for those in need, build, or just be, for someone.

In sharing your gifts, you build a greater sense of connection and belonging. Joy is often a side effect when you are in the service of anything greater than yourself.


Curate a Positive Tribe

We are constantly influenced by family, friends, community, social media etc.  Be mindful of the energy from those you are most influenced by.

Ensure you are surrounded by those who:

  • Inspire you
  • Motivate you to achieve your goals
  • Empowers you to make the changes you need to succeed
  • Encourages you


If Joy had a sound – it would be laughter!


Joy is a process – in each moment you have choices – start by choosing to cultivate more joy in your life.  Be patient and flexible with yourself, but most importantly be bold and brave to live your best life!


With Joy,



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